Andy Cole's Stormchase blog

Back on the plains in 2019 to share in nature's spectacle

Days 7-9 – taking a breather

Not much to talk about weather wise this last 3 days, with a few non-threatening storms forecast.

On day 7 we abandoned the chase early – and decided to head into nearby San Antonio. First stop was a bit of Go-Karting, to give us our adrenaline fix for the day. After my humiliation at the hands of Chris on the track, we headed into town to sample the river walk, which we’d heard good things about. Plenty of bars and restaurants and quite possibly the worst ‘british bar’ you’ve ever been to.

the slow one at the back - that's me

the slow one at the back – that’s me

Day 8 we followed a morning storm down to the coast, sampling some more driving rain for a good hour down the freeway. Once we got ahead of it, we went through Corpus Christi and dipped our feet in the Gulf of Mexico. Once the storms caught up with us, it painted a pretty moody picture.

Not the view of the Gulf of Mexico you see in the brochures

Not the view of the Gulf of Mexico you see in the brochures

Pelicans flying overhead in Corpus Christi

Pelicans flying overhead in Corpus Christi



Chris contemplating swimming to Mexico

Chris contemplating swimming to Mexico

Apocalyptic sea view as the storm passes through

Apocalyptic sea view as the storm passes through

the slow one at the back - that's me

the slow one at the back – that’s me

Then is was back up to Austin, to get ready fro an epic voyage north to Kansas on day 9. After a late start we spent all of day 9 driving, finally arriving at Perryton to prepare for hopefully a big day tomorrow.

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