Andy Cole's Stormchase blog

Back on the plains in 2019 to share in nature's spectacle

Day 3 – What is all boils down to

Stormchasing has the good days and it has quiet days. But as far as I’m concerned it very rarely has bad days. On paper, today was a waste. A long drive for storms that didn’t become severe, and led us on a bit of a wild goose chase – only rewarding us with a couple of flashes of lightning and a bit of a soaking.

But compared to what you get in the UK this was still more than you’d get in a year of storm watching. And when you have a car, the freedom of America and are venturing off the tourist track, you never know what you’re going to find. It turns out today both Chris and I ‘found’ a small sports bar called ‘Stixx’ which was a veritable microcosm of American life. We had the biker gang, the college kids, the Mexicans and the obligatory middle aged guy in a baseball cap and Khaki shorts. And of course the Bud Light. Naturally being British (and awesome, obviously), we attracted some attention. But you’ll be relieved to know we didn’t get involved in a brawl or get shot. Though an awkward selfie did occur, I’ll let Chris tell the story.

So I learned that Chris can kick my ass at pool, and that Alanis Morissette’s ‘One Hand in my pocket’ is an incredibly inspirational song that helps me raise my game.

So with beer in our belly and a slice of Americana in our heads we went to bed happy (and a little bit inebriated).

a so called 'POS' thunderstorm. ASk Chris if you need to know what a POS is...

a so called ‘POS’ thunderstorm. Ask Chris if you need to know what a POS is…

the updraft was a messy affair

The updraft was a messy affair

some good lighning was on show at times

Some good lighning was on show at times

how to lose 12 out of 15 games of pool - by Andy Cole

How to lose 12 out of 15 games of pool – by Andy Cole

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